
Northern Region Calendar 2024 V1

Northern Region Cross-discipline Calendar (ShowSec)

Central Region Calendar 2024 V13 (June 2024)

Central Region 2025 Calendar Draft 3 (July 2024)

Southern Region Calendar 2024 v 8

Southern Region Calendar 2025 V1

Five-Year National Calendar

The following link is to a draft five-year National calendar (2024 to 2028).  This includes only championship Obedience and Rally-O tests/events plus CD and Working Trials (i.e. no ribbon trials).  It is a work in progress and is intended to give an indication of the likley dates of shows in future years assuming they stay with the same international (ISO) week numbers as for 2023/2024 (allowing for moving holidays such as Easter and Matariki).

Select the year you want from using the pick list for the cell with the year (in red text).  You can filter by Region and/or Show/Event Type (click the down-arrow to the right of the relevant cell - Region and Type).

If necessary click Enable Editing  in the rbbon near the top of the page so the drop-down boxes can be selected.

Five-year National Calendar (V6 - June 2024)